宝博体育比分,宝博体育竞彩网望98db in

2024-06-17 22:33:26 比赛排行 admin


1、关于日常英语对话带翻译1 bite the hand that feeds one 恩将仇报 A:Why did you go out of your way to help a person like Joe?A:你怎么竭尽全力地去帮像乔这样的人。

2、二人英语对话带翻译1 汤姆: Hi, yangguang, what are you reading?阳光,你在看什么啊?阳光: A very famous magazine- VOGUE 一本很有名的杂志—《VOGUE》。

3、简单英语对话短文带翻译篇一 A:It seems to me that you fall for good-looking guys.A:好像你挺喜欢帅小伙的。B:Yeah.B:是的。

4、全手工翻译 (一):A conversation about taking the language course abroad 一段关于在外国上语言课的对话 xiao Li and xiao wang met each other on their way home 小李和小王在他们回家路上碰面了。

5、I have left my key in my room, and now i cannot get in. could you open the door for me?我把钥匙落在了屋里,进不了屋,你能帮我把门打开吗?Thats what i am here for.我来这儿就是干这个的。How much do you charge?多少钱?One hundred and fifty。一百五。
