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2024-08-06 20:03:16 体坛最新 admin


The students are playing a game at Kangkangs birthday party.)学生们正在康康的生日派对上玩游戏。M:Ohch!噢!J:Whats the matter?怎么了?M:I missed the chair and fell down.我错失了椅子,摔倒了。

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half past six在这里做it的宾补,所以不用加介词at,如果加的话,就变成了时间状语,那么意思就发生了相应的变化。

The students are playing a game at Kangkangs birthday party.)学生们正在康康的生日派对上玩游戏。M:Ohch! 噢!J:Whats the matter? 怎么了?M:I missed the chair and fell down. 我错失了椅子,摔倒了。
